Destiny Rescue – Thailand

destiny rescue
In April 2013, Simon, Jenny (a close friend) and I went to visit the Destiny Rescue team in Thailand. Destiny Rescue provide safe homes for children rescued from sex-slavery and also have prevention homes for vulnerable boys and girls. It was wonderful to meet the dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers. You couldn’t do this job, knowing the horrors of what has happened in the lives of the rescued children and what is happening to so many others, if you didn’t see the amazing results.

It was encouraging to meet the real men who stand up for justice and fight to protect the vulnerable. Tony Kirwan along with other trained men rescue the underage girls from brothels and clubs.

It’s a challenging situation that can involve “legal” slavery where the girls Destiny Rescue
have been bought or where the girls feel a sense of duty to provide for their families no matter what the cost, which is related to Thai beliefs. In such cases the girl’s freedom needs to be purchased. They also need to find alternative work so they can continue to be a source of income for their families. Destiny Rescue offers the girls training in hairdressing, jewellery making, sewing clothing, or working in their cafe. They also receive accommodation, English lessons, food, love, fun and counselling.destinyrescue3

I was especially inspired by the counselor. She had been a child counselor in Australia but nothing could prepare her for the horrific things these precious children had experienced. You would think healing would be impossible but what is impossible with man is possible with God. She said in less than 10 minutes she has had girls saying they feel free and clean! Praise God!

What Destiny Rescue does is a beautiful parallel to the reality of what Jesus has done for us. He purchased our freedom, He loved us to life and then set us up with the tools to live in victory. It was awesome to see these kids playing and chatting so freely and happily like children should be, with hope for the future!

destiny rescue