The Garden In My Heart is a children’s book about sowing and reaping that encourages children to sow good things in their heart. We all have a garden that can produce flowers of joy or weeds of jealousy and bitterness.
“There is a secret garden inside every girl and boy, and there are special seeds to sow that will grow into joy.”

Amazon Customer Reviews
This is a simple book with a deep message that has the potential to be a powerful parenting (or teaching) tool. What greater lesson can we pass on to our children (or students) than the fact that we will reap what we sow? With gentle pictures and simple rhyme, Rogers writes about the value of thankfulness, patience, friendship, and more. She addresses the need to tend to the garden in our hearts: to pull the weeds of bitterness or jealousy — and to plant good seeds and get good fruit.
Amazon Customer Review
The Garden In My Heart is all about planting the ‘good seeds’ of character. We’ve read and re-read this one so many times. I love that it compares character traits to a garden, and how they require work and effort. Because it’s so true! I also love that she talks about weeds cropping up in our hearts and it’s up to us, as the gardeners to pluck them out. It’s so great, it’s all about how if you want these fruits, then you need to plant these seeds. In other words, if you want to be this type of person, these are the character traits you need to work on. I love it! I’ve recommended this book to so many friends.
I’ve worked with kids with behavior issues in the past and one thing I noticed was that they didn’t want to have the behaviors they did, but they weren’t sure how to correct them. I love that this book talks about how those things happen and it’s up to us to change them, but it doesn’t put any shame around these feelings creeping up. I wish I had this book then, it’s a great tool to use to talk about emotions and positive character traits.
Amazon Customer Review
One of my favorite children’s books! This book teaches children how to plant seeds of goodness and not let weeds overtake the garden in their heart. There are over 10 beautifully illustrated pictures in this book with rhyming verse. Out of the three books we have by this author I think I like this one the best because every time I read it (which is a lot with a four-year-old) I get something new from it. That’s a very difficult thing to do with a children’s book. Its lesson is simple enough for my daughter but also rich enough for me to learn from it as well.